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ADR on Million Dollar memo 2

Dukung Kami ADR Group of Companies pada Event MILLION DOLAR memo..jika menang, perusahaan berencana untuk mengirim 200 karyawan tambahan dengan biaya sendiri perusahaan.

ADR Group is Automotive Components Manufacturer, More than 35 years experience, more than 100 countries export destination, Our company is a great place & fun to work.

ADR Group of Companies plan to distribute the prize to a set number of employees, based on internal performance reviews. In addition, if they win, the company plans to send an extra 200 employees at the company's own expense.

Rusman: I am 40 this year, and I am living my life to the fullest. I have a great family and I love my job very much. I love to travel to other countries, especially the places that I never seen before. I am always grateful for what I have and I wish everyone around me can feel the same too.

Klik and Share..>> The Incentive Challengge Event Begin in 5 Days..>> Ultimate Reward in Queensland, Australia


2 Responses So Far:

Bambang said...

mudah-mudahan juara...go queensland Australia ADR...!

Apin Khan said...

Akhirnya Juara juga..berangkat GO Queensland Australia ADR

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